MavenUp Creatives

Social Media Marketing Firm

When is it best to post on Social Media?

Social media are now part of the life of each of us.

Almost all smartphone owners have one or more social profiles. They update and check their profiles daily or several times during the week.

Importance of Social Media Marketing

Just as users have approached the world of social media, often also radically changing their habits. Their way of thinking is also changing with new advancements. Therefore, companies have also had to adapt according to their consumer’s thinking and habits.

Enhance your Potential Customers and sale

Companies need customers to run their business and always look for new potential customers to increase their sales. To attract new potential customers, also called leads, the company must make itself and its products known.

Traditional marketing activities that focus on communication channels such as television, radio, and newspapers are still effective. However, now these channels have gone into the background, and social networks have replaced them.

It’s strategic but logical. To find the leads or target customers, a profile on social networks is crucial. An advertisement on television may not be seen. An announcement on the radio may be unheard of. A newspaper ad can be ignored.

There is no certainty that the ad will be seen and even considered on social media. However, what is certain is that one’s presence on social networks is faster, simpler, and more effective. Further, it’s less expensive, if not completely free.

Thanks to social media, companies, and freelancers have realized that spending money on these platforms is not always necessary to promote oneself.

Get Good results in Low-budget

Of course, if you want to achieve essential results, it is vital to invest the budget. But a profile that publishes only ads and advertisements is counterproductive because neither users nor the internal search engine of the social network like it.

Users are passionate about content that arouses emotion. They look for the stories. They prefer to follow profiles that allow them to live an experience through posts and photos, and to do so. It is also necessary to publish organic content that is, not paid and you must post it frequently. This is also because if the company were to monetize all the content it creates, it would be forced to employ a very high and generally unnecessary budget.

When and how much to post on social media?

Therefore, it is important to publish content very frequently. But for this, you must act upon the following strategies to be able to get the maximum yield from every single post.

Understanding the right time to publish is not easy.


First of all, a social plan must be drawn up, i.e., an editorial plan in which the publications on each social platform are inserted. This method allows you to study the most suitable strategy better.

In relation to “when to publish,” it is also necessary to establish “what to publish.” Certain content has a higher yield when published at a specific time rather than another.

The best choice would be to publish content every day. And, if possible, publish content several times a day to maintain a constant presence on the social network.

Thanks to the editorial plan for social media, it is preferable to vary the type of content, especially if you publish often. For example, if on my page I want to talk about the best cities in Mid Atlantic. From time to time, I can choose a fixed day of the week dedicated to this topic: this week New York, the next Philadelphia, then Washington, and finally Baltimore.

Each social network then has strategic times and days for publications.

  • Facebook

As for Facebook, it is advisable to keep your presence active every day. However, choose to concentrate on the most important posts on the week’s last days, from Thursday onwards. During the weekend, browsing is freer, with fewer time constraints, and the chances of the post reaching the greatest number of people increase.

During the other days of the week, you have to consider what kind of content you publish and who it is aimed at. Generally, if it is adult content, office hours are taken into account. So it is advisable to publish after 1 pm and after 6 pm so that the user has all evening to surf on Facebook.

If the content is for younger people, it is preferable to publish in the afternoon, assuming that they are at school or university in the morning until 2 pm.

  • Instagram

Instagram reflects Facebook’s rules. You need to adapt to target hours to choose when to post. On Instagram, it is imperative to take advantage of the stories. If you publish a story, the user who follows us will find it fixed in the top bar for 24 hours, and then it will disappear. For this, it is necessary to share a story at least once a day, regardless of the time. Give users the continuous possibility to interact with their profile.

  • Twitter

Twitter works differently. Tweets disappear much faster than content on other social networks. Especially in times when there is high traffic of users tweeting, the content disappears quickly. This happens when there are important events and many users decide to comment. In these events, companies are suggested to participate in conversations actively. Thanks to hashtags and trends, it is possible to know what users (who could easily become potential customers) are talking about. The company can then participate by posting related tweets and even meddle in other people’s conversations. If the company needs to post higher-value content, such as sponsorship, it is best to choose times when there is low tweet traffic.

  • LinkedIn

Unlike Instagram and Facebook, consultants, salespeople, and business people at work prefer LinkedIn as a professional community network.

The best time to post to LinkedIn is on working days and mornings mainly:

         Wednesdays from 8 am to 10 am and 12 pm

         Thursday from 9:00 to 13:00 and 14:00

         Friday 9 pm

Final Words

In conclusion, it is good to follow these unwritten rules about the best times for publishing. These tips help companies a lot to draw up a social plan. But in addition to this, there must be a careful analysis of the statistics of the publications. You can try to share content after hours and study how users behave about it from time to time. Only with continuous studies and experiments will it be possible to obtain the best performance from your profile and content. If you need professionals for your business promotion, rely on us. We do everything to grow your audience on social media platforms at our Social Media Marketing Firm.