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Social Media Marketing

The most famous platforms for doing Social Media Marketing

Social media platforms have become a popular way for marketers to reach new users. The good news is that you can find customers from different industries worldwide. So with so many social media platforms, it can be challenging to choose the right platform for your business. Social Media Marketing exploits the currently existing platforms for meeting and sharing between users.

You may want to use them all, but the truth is that some community ads are more work-related than others. This means making sure you’re using the right social media platform for your company’s target audience. This makes your business more efficient at acquiring, transforming, and monetizing your business plan. Let’s discuss the popular platforms for doing social media marketing.

Social platforms

Now that we understand that Social Media Marketing works on social platforms. Let’s find out which ones are essential to ensure excellent visibility.

We always consider social media marketing strategies applicable to businesses. As a reputable social media marketing agency, we survey the social media giants on which you must be present to ensure the success of your business.

  • Facebook

The first social platform can only be Facebook.

For many years it has been the undisputed social media on the world scene. Today Instagram holds up very well, even if they are completely different social platforms.

What can you use Facebook for?

Compared to all other social media, it’s perfect for sales. On Facebook, people look for information, read, and follow brands.

Since the algorithm has changed, the main tool you can use to get visibility on Facebook is that of sponsored campaigns.

It is necessary to identify the right target, geographical location, and interests for each campaign. Still, if you manage to become very good at creating campaigns, you will see how many contacts you can generate.

In addition to the interaction objective, generating contacts through forms is also very interesting. In this case, you can create a social campaign in which users have to leave their data that they can then reuse for other more traditional marketing actions.

  • Instagram

Instagram is the second most used social media in the world today.

First of all, multimedia contents such as single photos, carousels, videos, and stories are the masters of this social network.

Remember, though, that you have to pay close attention to originality. Today, quality is the standard of any content on Instagram. The user opens the platform precisely because he knows that he will find valuable content there. So, to stand out, you need to focus on the Wow effect!

Social Media Marketing takes care of choosing the best content to publish on each platform. The videos in the feed and the stories are viral on social media Instagram.

Both contents are emotional, empathic, and captivating.

They need to keep users hooked and make them fall in love with your brand, products, or services.

By now, all the best-known brands have taken root on this social media, so you have to be there too.

People no longer go looking for businesses on search engines. Now they choose social media directly to get an immediate idea of what reality they face, especially through photos.

  • LinkedIn

We arrive at the social media par excellence dedicated to the professional sphere and the world of work.

It was created to allow users to register for free to create a list of contacts in the workplace.

LinkedIn contacts don’t have the same value as Facebook friends or Instagram followers. It should be a network of trusted and competent people in the world of work.

It is a perfect tool for job seekers but also for companies. On LinkedIn, in fact, the possibility of creating company pages has arrived.

Within these, you can insert the history of the brand. Besides, you can add the available job positions, the team, and the contents.

Moreover, you can leverage LinkedIn to create more technical content. That helps you establish yourself as an extremely knowledgeable professional in your field.

  • Twitter

Twitter was one of the first social media to be born back in 2006. It seems to have taken a back seat compared to its competitors, but it is not.

Many users prefer it for its immediacy and ease of use.

Furthermore, it is the news social network. News, short messages, thoughts, this is what populates it.

Twitter can be beneficial in your Social Media Marketing strategy to show your followers that you are active in your niche.

And on top of that, you can use social tweets to make yourself useful. Share pearls of knowledge of your area, converse with people and give opinions.

We said at the beginning that the power of Social Media Marketing lies precisely in the relationship with people.

Twitter still proves to be a perfect social media for achieving this goal because multimedia content is almost secondary. Opinions count here.

  • Pinterest

Pinterest is also based on sharing photos, images, graphics, and videos. The name comes from being able to pin a photo to save it as a favorite.

Marketing with Pinterest is very interesting for the possibility of creating message boards on the most disparate topics. People follow these topics to keep up to date.

So even then, you can become a benchmark in your niche.

But, be careful!

Are you ready to discover the best part?

Pinterest content appears in Google searches.

This means they are perfect for building relationships with people directly on social media. And at the same time, you can also use it to position yourself on search engines.

  • YouTube

 It is an undisputed giant in the video world.

Anyone who wants to be present on the web with videos must be, automatically, on the social media YouTube. Social Media Marketing works great with big numbers.

YouTube boasts over a billion users, nearly a third of all Internet users.

It is a social platform active in more than 91 countries and is available in 80 different languages.

Do you think it will be enough for you as a catchment area?

On YouTube, there are basically three types of videos:

  • Informative videos
  • Inspirational video
  • Funny videos

These are the three things users want to find on social media.

You can therefore take advantage of YouTube in your Social Media Marketing strategy to show quality content. It gives value to users even before they become your customers.

  • Snapchat

Snapchat, in a sense, was the predecessor of the Instagram we know today. The stories of Instagram, in fact, were born first of all on Snapchat.

You may think that today it is a little-used social media; instead, you don’t know how wrong you are! This is why we want to show you why it should not be missing in your Social Media Marketing activity.

In the meantime, let’s give you some interesting numbers.

In the USA, there are 126 million active users on Snapchat alone, of which 73% are women.

This social media is mainly made up of videos and, in its heyday, has even reached 10 billion views per day.

  • Tik Tok

Is your target audience very young? Then you cannot fail to create an account for your company.

This new social media is based on recording and sharing short, mostly funny, and engaging videos.

Do you think this social network is used only for private purposes? I have to prove you wrong. More and more brands are landing on Tik Tok, giving a particular cut to their contents in the full style of the platform.

The strength of having Tik Tok within your strategy is the fantastic organic growth. That is still possible on this social media, unlike all the others just mentioned.

The chat platforms

We live in a world where conversations with our family and friends have turned into parts of real social media.

However, we must not look at these changes with a negative eye.

On the contrary!

For you who are working on your flawless Social Media Marketing strategy, it is just another great opportunity to generate leads and nurture relationships with your potential customers.

Why do we insert chats among the Social Media Marketing tools?

Because we said, you have to be where the people are. And people are constantly online on chats.

Before providing you with some statistics to support the thesis, I want to reveal to you what the hook is. The hook that chooses a potential customer leans towards one brand rather than another.

Let’s immediately find out which main chats you need to invest in.

  • WhatsApp

You were waiting for it, right?

WhatsApp is the number one messenger chat in most countries of the world.

So, apart from the case you want to launch a business in China, you definitely need to know how to use WhatsApp best.

Have you heard about WhatsApp Business?

It is a free application created especially for small businesses. It allows you to interact with your customers. It includes automation tools and, in addition, gives the possibility to sort and reply instantly to messages.

What is WhatsApp Business for?

With a view to Social Media Marketing, you can provide your customers with the assistance they need in a very short time, completely beating the competition.

Don’t forget!

You can use WhatsApp Business in your Social Media Marketing by creating your business profile. Further, enter the necessary contacts for customers to find you. And indicating the website on which they can find detailed information about your business.

You can even organize chats with labels to immediately distinguish new customers, orders yet to be shipped, paid products, and any other categorization. It might be useful for you to run your business at its best.

  • Skype

Among the chat platforms, we certainly mention Skype. Ideal for video calls, traditional calls, and messaging. Skype should certainly be considered by companies that want to do Social Media Marketing.

In particular, it allows people to video call each other from anywhere in the world.

Skype is unbeatable for organizing teamwork and maintaining a direct link between colleagues in the business field.

However, an interesting strategy in Social Media Marketing is to use video calling with customers.

They can be used both before the sale of a product or service. Besides, you can use it to resolve any doubts, give more information, and offer assistance and support after-sales.

  • Viber

Another well-known messaging application is Viber. In addition to presenting the generic chat features, a critical data that you can take advantage of in Social Media Marketing is that of public accounts.

Brands, in fact, focus a lot on the creation of these accounts and on the management of groups and clubs.

Users can choose to follow the Brand Account to receive all updates and news. They can even access direct messaging via subscription.

On the one hand, it is an indispensable tool for companies that want to send instant communications to their customers. And on the other, customers will have the added value of being able to contact the business directly for information, doubts, or assistance.

The particularity of using social media and chats in a Social Media Marketing strategy and the purpose of the sale is to make the relationship with the brand more human.

What now?

Are you determined to include at least one social media platform in your marketing strategy? Even if you integrate one or more platforms, make sure they raise brand awareness and contribute to overall marketing success. You can use these platforms to advertise your brand. If you’re seeking for Social Media Advertising Services, feel free to contact us.